О сайте
Создание Web - сайта Боль и её лечениереализовано общественной некоммерческой организацией Межрегиональный Сибирский противоболевой фонд (г. Новосибирск) при поддержке Международной Ассоциации по изучению боли (IASP) Команда проекта: Руководитель проекта: Тибеньков Владимир Дмитриевич, зам. дир. Сибирского Противоболевого Фонда, , координатор Интернет части проекта. Тибеньков Павел Владимирович, веб-мастер, переводчик. Миссия сайта: использовать интернет, чтобы превратить помощь специалистам в области диагностики и лечения болевых синдромов в самый быстрый, простой и полезный процесс. Ожидаемые результаты:
Технической стороной поддержания и дальнейшего развития сайта занимается Межрегиональный Сибирский Противоболевой Фонд. Решением Правления Ассоциации сайт "Боль и ее лечение" стал общенациональным и с мая 2001 года представляет Российскую Ассоциацию по изучению боли Дополнительная информация: Наши баннеры:
The creation of Web - site Pain and its treatment is realized by Interregional Siberian Anti-Pain Fund (Novosibirsk, Russia) under support of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) http://www.iasp-pain.org/. The project's crew: The chief of the project: Vladimir D.Tibenkov, Head information manager of Siberian Anti-Pain Fund, , coordinator of the Internet project. Pavel V.Tibenkov, designer, programmer, interpreter. Expected results:
Perspectives of the project: Considering that fact, that the sphere of the potential recipients of project's services is limited 80 % of the adult population of Russia, and accessible the information on a subject has not enough (and it is possible to say, that practically lack), we do not doubt, that the project will receive significant further development. Technical maintenance and further development of a site the Interregional Siberian anti-pain fund will be engaged. We do not eliminate possibility, that in accordance development of a site, it will attract attention of firms and organizations occupied in production and distribution of medical preparations and rendering of medical services. The cooperation is possible and will have an effect on further development of a site. The uniqueness of the project consists in the following:
The uniqueness of the offered project consists in creation biopsychosocial approach to a problem of a chronic pain, namely, in definition and elimination not only morphological reason of chronic pains, but also rating of pain syndromes (headaches, dorsodynia and so on) by personal, interpersonal and social items. The information placed on the site, will promote organization of inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary medical aid to the patients suffering by chronic pains. For a long time similar management of the anti-pain help has received a wide prevalence and recognition in West, in Russia till now prevails inadequate strictly specialized approach to treatment of chronic pains. Medical experts, students and people suffering by chronic pains for the first time will receive practically unique chance to exchange opinions on a problem, to discuss practical questions, to receive the qualified answers. The uniqueness of the offered project is, that there are no summary russian Internet resources on a similar problematics. Site www.painstudy.ru, the official representative of the Russian Association for the Study of Pain The additional information: |