Jocelyn W. Cowie, Ponderosa Pines Clinic/Spa, PO Box 1495, Grand Forks, BC VOH 1 HO, Canada
Aim of Investigation: The purpose of this study is to determine the usefulness of a multi-path
pain measurement device.
Patients with pain have Sensory Evoked Potential (SEP). Al-gometers are used to measure lowered
Pain Pressure Thresholds (PPT). Standard diagnosis for fibromyalgia diagnosis is lowered PPT in
11 of the 18 trigger point.
"Sonography" or "phonomyrography" for the detection of tissue crepitus. Sounds
are elicited during joint mobilization. Well studied in association with TMJ. "Thermography,"
"myothermo-grams," and "vidiothermography" heat associated with inflammation
is a common pain factor too microscopic to locate with manual palpation.
"Electromyograph, electro-diagnosis-electromyogram" used in investigating the function
of nerves and muscle. The sympathetic nervous system SNS generates and sustains certain types
of pain syndromes. Specialists in pain management have sought tools for investigating the SNS.
EMG, galvanic skin resistance acupuncture location devices, lie detector test equipment, and biofeedback
are used to detect moisture measurements in assessment of SNS dysfunction.
"Pitting devices" leave visual dents when prodded with a dull blunt object in the area
of inflammation.
Temperature, Moisture, CREPITUS, and PPT's are proven independently as pain measurement devices.
Using an objective multi-path diagnostic tool for measuring soft tissue pain coupled with P.C.
software allows for statistical outcome measurements. Recognized questionnaires along with internet
data bases may be the next generation of clinically evaluating pain and identifying cost effective
Yuichi Yamauchi'. Tadaaki Tomiie2, Hiroshi Aoyama2, Fumihito Taguchi3, 'Division of Psychosomatic Medicine, Miyagi Chuou Hospital, 'Dept of Human Behavioral Science, Tohoku Univ Med School, Tohoku Rosai Hospital, Japan
Aim of Investigation: To make post-traumatic pain patients recover from labor accident
and restore their worksite as soon as possible, we tried to apply an intensive treatment program.
The purpose of our study was to examine both psycho-behavioral backgrounds of the patients and
to evaluate prognostic outcome.
Methods: Subjects examined were the patients of mean ages (±SD) of 43 ± 2 (21 males, 6
females) ranged 24 to 64 years old. Most of them consisted of those referred from orthopedic Dept,
diagnosed as post-traumatic complaints with a certain musculoskeletal injury (Group A). Psychologically
however, ca. 80% of them were the cases with accident neuroses. The treatment outcome of the patients
were compared with that of age- and sex-matched control of non-accident pain patients (Group B).
Results: In the A group, cases with lower education (p=0.074), and of longer morbid duration
(p=0.043) were more predominant than the B group. By our treatment program, we helped them to
be aware of the pain mechanism after injury. About half of them were successful in getting over
their illness. In contrast, 85% of efficacy rate was obtained in the B group (p-=0.022).
Conclusions: Prognostic outcome of the patients with accident insurance could be rather
effectively raised by the therapeutic intervention as cognitive-behavioral modification including
NAI-K-AN-coupled fasting therapy.
H.U. Gerbershagen , G. Lindena ' DRK Pain Center Mainz, 'Mundipharma GmbH, Limburg FRG
Aim of Investigation: To investigate health-related quality of life (QOL) in relation
to pain history, diagnoses and chronifi cation status.
Methods: 3294 patients were evaluated in 13 pain centers of different disciplines after
completion of the validated German Pain Questionnaire (GPQ; 62 complex questions) and validated
QOL instruments: Questions on Satisfaction with Life (FLZ), Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), and
Medical Outcomes Study's Short Form 36 (SF-36)
Results: The response rate was more than 90% of all question-items due to the inclusion
of QOL questionnaires into the GPQ-set. QOL in pain patients impaired is in all dimensions according
to their chronification status (I-III)—and more impaired compared to patients with other chronic
diseases such as heart failure, diabetes type II, or COPD. Pain intensity is high, pre-referal
pain and therapeutic experiences are very extensive and of particular economic interest. There
are hardly any patients in chronicity stage I in these pain centers, proving a "negative"
selection of patients with difficult to treat chronic pain. 85 of these patients were treated
with step III opioids according to WHO ladder.
Conclusions: This is the first German study accumulating prospec-tively and comprehensively
so many perfectly documented data of pain patients. The data set -though using generic instruments
only-is suited to characterize pain patients. The next multicenter research step (see also part
II) will evaluate changes after onset of treatment, differences between treatments and provide
data for the interdisciplinary definition of treatment strategies.
Acknowledgments: We thank the colleagues and institutions for their support and their
collection of high quality data. Supported by Glaxo Wellcome, Hamburg and Mundipharma, Limburg
Liv Inger Strand. RolfMoe-Nilsscn*, A. Elisabeth Ljunggren, Section of Physiotherapy Science,
Univ ofBergen, 5009 Bergen, Norway.
Aim of Investigation: To compare the impact of clinical and harmless experimental low
back pain on physical activity.
Methods: Therapist derived assessments of back flexibility (Sock and Pick Up tests and
Finger-to-floor distance) as well as patients' reports of activity limitation and pain intensity
(visual analogue scale), were obtained in 21 patients with musculoskeletal low back pain. The
same assessments as well as lumbar accelerations were obtained in 14 healthy subjects with same
age range, before and after the injection of 0.6% saline into back muscles.
Results: No significant difference in pain intensities (P=0.799) was found between patients
(mean=5.2) and subjects at maximum experimental pain (mean=5.0). Most patients had scores indicating
activity limitation on Pick Up and Sock tests (81 and 70% respeclively) Mean Finger-to-floor distance
was 24.3 cm (SD=18 3) Most patients perceived limitation in related daily activities Healthy subjects
were significantly less limited than patients (P<0.01) At maximum experimental pain insignificant
activity limitation was registered Finger-to-floor distance decreased by mean=l 9 cm (SD=3 3)
Only three subjects perceived vague restrictions at tests Decreased lumbar acceleration was linearly
associated with increased pain in 12 subjects (r = -0 60 to -091).
Conclusions. The question may be asked whether the application of harmless experimental
pain is a valid procedure to study the impact of pain on physical activities in clinical pain
Sensitive methods like accelerometry seem to be needed to measure the influence of experimental
pain on physical activities
Acknowledgment. Supported by the Nordic Academy for Advanced Study (NorFA) and the Swedish
Medical Research Council
Kouichi Kitami. Hokkaido Neurosurgical Memorial Hospital, N22WI5 Chuo-Ku 060-0022, Sapporo, Japan
Aim of Investigation To correlate neurophysical aspects with psychological backgrounds
for the precise assessment of chronic pain disorders
Methods Sixty-two patients examined neurological physical findings, image diagnosis, mentality
backgrounds 28 men and 34 women, age from 19 to 75 (mean age 45 2) y-o Pain duration was 6 to
96 months in those 7 years Neurophysical data and image diagnosis were analyzed and classified
after DSM-1V Group A (organic) Pain relates to general physical disease Group B (semiorganic)
Pain relates to both mental factor and general physical disease Group C (non-organic) Pain relates
to mental factors Mentality questionnaires; CMI, SDS, Egogram, MMP1 were done
Results Atypical facial pain, central pain, phantom limb pain, can salgia, chronic pain
after operation, posttraumatic pain, pain after whiplash injury, etc were physical diagnoses Gp
A 27, Gp B 14, Gp C 21 About 68% of all had neurotic tendency. Depression and low "A value"
in Egogram also frequent and constant Neurotic-tnad and psychic-tetrad in MMP1 higher m Gp C,
hypochondnacal tendency and depressive tendency relatively high in Gp A, mental defense, non-rationality,
depression were high in Gp.B
Conclusion Though excluded from pain disorders in DSM-IV, Gp A had actually high hypochondnacal
and depressive tendencies, so how organic, only to treat physically may become insufficient in
this group Mental defense was so high that the tendency of easily failing into medical discredit
was suggested on Gp B Making muscles film secondarily and developing myofascial pain from the
characteristic neurotic tendency were considered the true cause of pain in Gp C
Geana Paula Kurita*, Ana Claudia de Oliveira*, Dma de Almeida Lopes Monteiro da Cruz. Cibele Andrucioli de Mattos Pimenta, Nursing School o fUniv of San Paulo, League Against Pain, Hospital das Clinicas of Univ of San Paulo, Av Eneas de C Aguiar, 419, Sao Paulo, 05403-000, Brazil
Aim of Investigation To describe the alterations that caregivers of chronic pain patients
ascribe to the caregiving role, and the situations in which the patients are dependent
Methods. Thirty family caregivers (mean age-46 years, 93.3%-female, mean schooling-7 1
years) were interviewed. The length of the caregiver roles had the following medians 12 months
(0 5-60), 7 days/week (5-7), 12 hours/day (1-24) The patients' mean age was 59 9 years, 80% was
male The caregivers' reports about the patients' needs were the bases to estimate the dependence
level (from 0-none to 10-total) The caregivers rated (0-10) how much the role had influenced their
Results' The mean rating of the daily living activity (DLA) dependence was 3 8 (SD 3.0),
of the instrumental DLAs was 7 3 (SD 3 4) The situations in which the patients depended were.
taking medications- 93 3%, eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, or moving themselves- from 60%
to 70%, and, for at least one instrumental DLA- from 63% to 86% of the patients From 80% to 60%
of the caregivers reported prejudice on sleep, job/study, leisure, humor The influences on sexual
activities, plans for the future, family relationships, health, appetite, and personal care were
reported by 40% to 53 3% of them The tiredncss mean rating ascribed to the role was 6 4 (SD 3
Conclusion The management of chronic pain included family members as caregivers They spent
many hours a week in caregiving activities, and their lives were affected in many aspects because
of the role They were, at least, in risk for caregiver role strain
Jane Latham. Kingston Univ & St George's Hospital Medical School Faculty ofHealthcare Sciences,
London SW17 OQT, UK Professor Bryn Davis, Dept of Nursing Studies, Univ of Wales College of Medicine,
Cardiff CF4 4XN, UK
Aim of Investigation. To examine and compare life-style disability and resource usage
of chronic pain patients with other patients in the community
Methods: A review of the utilisation of the Sickness Impact Profile for the study of pain
will be presented This current study pre-identified criteria for three comparative patient groups
(n=120), with a further interesting sub-group of previously unrecognised chronic pain patients
(n=16). Patients were selected from two general practices in the UK The interview schedule included
the Sickness Impact Profile, McGill Pain Questionnaire and a Resources Questionnaire
Results With particular reference to the Sickness Impact Profile, Group 1 (those with
previously identifiable chronic pain) had consistently higher disability scores across all dimensions
and the overall score when compared with the other three groups Group 4 with previously unidentified
chronic pain scored more highly than either of the 'non-pain' groups, but not as highly as Group
1 Sickness Impact Profile percentage disability scores for each group will be presented with KruskdI-Wallis
1-Way Anova Scores Associations and relationships between groups and independent variables will
also be highlighted.
Conclusions Whilst this is a small exploratory study, findings indicate the need for further
more large scale projects regarding the long-term management of chronic pain patients Particularly
in view of current legislative changes in the UK. which affect the interface of primary and secondary
health/social care, priority should be placed on addressing the apparently subtle, long-term utilisation
of health/social care staff and financial benefits
Thomas Lundcberg. Birgitta Bjork*, Elsebet Borg*, Carina Gustafsson*, Lisbeth Dahlin, Lena Sandin*.
Sven Enksson**Dept of Surgery and Rehabilitation, Karolmska Instt/ Hospital, 171 76 Stockholm,
*Multidisciplinary pain unit, Ystad-Osterlen, 271 82 Ystad
Aim of Investigation To study the differences in assessments of pain made independently
with VAS, NS and an electrical stimulation, applied to the hand, as a matching stimulus
Methods' Sixty-nine patients participated in this study The patients were first asked
to rate their pain using a visual analogue scale (VAS), followed by a numerical scale (NS) The
number was recorded on the VAS scale and the number given is a form of magnitude production These
values were recorded and then compared with the value from the noxious electrical stimulation
test (magnitude matching). After obtaining the matched electrical stimulation value, the assessment
procedure was again repeated
First measurement |
Second measurement |
Before |
After |
Before |
After |
56±36 |
36±29*** |
56±28 |
35±30*** |
NS |
1U5 |
9±6*** |
12±6 |
9±6*** |
MM |
13±8 |
11 ±S*** |
12±7 |
10±8*** |
*p < 0 05. **p < 0 01, ***p < 0 005. comparing within group data before and after treatment
Conclusions: The results show that magnitude matching may serve as an alternative to VAS
and NS scales Acknowledgments Supported by the Acupuncture Foundation and Cefar AB Sweden
Rolf Moe-Nilssen*, Anne Elisabeth Liunggren. Enk Torebjork, Division of Physiotherapy Science, Faculty of Medicine, Univ of Bergen, Ulnksdal 8 c, N-5009, Norway, and Dept of Clin Neurophysiology, Univ Hospital, Uppsala S-75185 Sweden
Aim of Investigation To explore if change of accelerations of the lumbar region during walking would be useful as an indicator of back pain.
Methods: Transient low back pain was provoked by injection of 1 ml 6% hypertomc saline
in the longissimus muscle at Th 12-L1 level in 20 healthy subjects Acceleration was measured during
walking before and several times after the injection by a portable tnaxial accelerometer attached
by a fixation belt to the dorsal mid-line at L3 level. Magnitude of pain was rated on a 0-10 ratio
scale during walking until pain was no longer present Results: Lumbar acceleration sample mean
was attenuated when subjects walked at maximal pain compared to pretest values (p=0.0089) and
returned to pretest level when pain had disappearec (p=0 90). Regardless of the initial increase
and subsequent decrease of pain after injection, there was a linear relation between pain and
acceleration in 15 of the 20 subjects (0 89 ^R2 >_0 36, p < 0.002), suggesting
a continuous dynamic adjustment of motor behaviour dependent on the magnitude of pain
Conclusion Since small adjustments of body accelerations in relation to pain are believed to be unconscious processes, the changes in accelerometry data seem to represent objective measures of magnitude ofexpenmentally induced low back pain, characteristic for each individual.
Acknowledgments: Supported by the Nordic Academy for Advanced Study (NorFA), the Foundation
for Education and Researcl in Physiotherapy, Norway, and the Swedish Medical Research Council,
Pro) 5206
H.C. Muller-Busch'. H U. Gerbershagen2, G Lmdena2, 'Dep of Anesthesioloy and Pain Therapy, GK Havelhohe, Univ Witten/Herdecke, D-14089 Berlin, RK-Pam-Center Mainz, 'Mundipharma GmbH, Limburg, F R G
Aim of Investigation To investigate and compare quality of life 11 relation to pain diagnoses
and stages ofchronicity for differences in impairment in patients with chronic low back pain and
Methods' 3294 patients in 13 pain centers were examined by the updated version of the
DGSS questionnaire It comprised 62 ques tions to different aspects of pain and series ofQoL instruments
111 SF-36, NHP, PDI and FLZ Stages ofchronicity were calculated according to the MPSS of Gerbershagen
The documented data ol 924 patients with chronic back pain and of 853 patients with head ache
were compared The dimensions of the QoL instruments wei related to the stages ofchronicity and
to other diagnoses
Results Quality of life is characteristically impaired in chronic pain patients Patients
with chronic back pain show stronger impairment than those with headache Differences are most
evident physical function and role function and can be related to the chro-nicity stage
Conclusions Qol instruments are useful to show specific impairment in different dimensions
of quality of life in chronic pain patients Follow-up studies are needed to demonstrate the influence
of different treatment strategies
Acknowledgments Supported by Mundipharma and Glaxo Well-come GmbH

Richard Ohrbach. Samuel F Dworkin, Carl Granger*, Oral Diagnostic Sciences, and Rehabilitation
Medicine, Univ at Buffalo, Buffalo 14214 NY, USA, and Oral Medicine, Univ of Washington, Seattle
Aim of Investigation. To cross-validate a disability instrument using an independent sample,
and to test for construct validation Reliable and valid measurement of functional impairment associated
with chronic pain such as temporomandibular disorders remains a challenge The 17-item MFIQ (Stegenga,
1993) developed for TMD pain appears to lack stable factor structure and may not provide optimal
scaling We have created an 8-item scale (Man-dibular and Orofacial Disability Index, MODI) using
Rasch analysis based on item response theory Items were derived from the Research Diagnostic Criteria
for TMD (RDC)
Methods' Patients (n=159) with chronic pain (>6 mos) who entered into two treatment
studies had complete MODI data at baseline They were also assessed at baseline for other variables
using the criteria of the RDC Pearson correlations were used for discriminant and convergent validity
Results The MODI itself had internal reliability of 0 8 Consistent with prior analyses,
the MODI had low correlations (r< 3) with psychological status variables (depression, anxiety),
and moderate relationships (r=A - .6) with pain intensity and pain interference. New findings
include moderate relationships with somatization, extent of opening, and palpation pain, and a
moderate relationship (r=.7) with jaw symptoms and with total MFIQ.
Conclusions: These results provide further support for a bnef instrument that can validly
measure perceived impairment or disability in jaw functioning associated with chronic pain; further
support is also provided for the independence of Axis II from Axis 1 variables in the assessment
of chronic pain.
Acknowledgments: Supported in part by NIDR grant DE08773, USA, & Uniform Data Systems,
R. Polianskis M.D.. Vilnius Univ Hospital "Santariskiu Klinikos"
Poorly controlled cancer pain is a significant public health problem in Lithuania. There are
multiple barriers that lead to undertreatment of cancer pain. One of most important is inadequate
pain assessment and as consequence - inadequate estimation of the extent of this problem. The
Wisconsin WHO Collaborating Centre for Symptom Evaluation in Cancer Care has developed the Brief
Pain Inventory, which measures sensory and reactive dimensions of cancer pain. It was internationally
validated and is widely accepted for cancer pain evaluation in many culturally and linguistically
differing countries throughout the world. The Vilnius Pain Clinic developed the study, directed
to approve and validate the Brief Pain Inventory for Lithuanian patients. This paper describes
results of the pilot study of 60 persons. All were outpatients, had cancer of various localisations
and were directed to Pain Clinic mostly from National Cancer Centre. The Brief Pain Inventory
was bi-directionally translated until English and Lithuanian versions were semantically identical.
Average time of completion of questionnaire was 19 mm. and required some assistance. Maxima] pain
intensity one day before visit was 7.1 points, minimal - 2.4 points, medial - 5.0 points, pain
intensity during visit -4.7 points. Before visit only 16% were treated by oral morphine preparations,
the overall maximal effectiveness of drugs (magnitude of pain relief) was 63%. Dimension most
affected with pain was "normal work" - 9.0 points, least affected -"relations with
other people" - 5.7 points. Other results, distributed by interference level were: "enjoyment
of life" - 8.1 points, "mood" - 7.1 points, "general activity" - 7.0
points, "walking ability" - 6.4 points, "sleep" - 6.0 points.
Conclusions: cancer patients were directed to Pain Clinic when medial pain intensity was
5.0 points and was noticeably affecting social and psychological aspects of life. Pain was affecting
all BPI dimensions, most of all "normal work", least - "relations with other people".
Before visit only minority of cancer patients (16%) were treated by oral morphine. Overall maximal
effectiveness of drugs was insufficient (pain relief only 63%).
Sanna Salantera* (SPON: P. Muittari), Dept of Nursing Science, 20014 Univ ofTurku, Finland
Aim of Investigation: This study was set out to explore how assessment and documentation
of children's pain is managed by nurses in Univ hospitals in Finland.
Method: A survey was conducted to 303 nurses working in children's wards of Univ affiliated
hospitals and at the same time a retrospective chart review of 50 consecutive cases of operation
of acute appendicitis was carried out.
Results: Only 34% of nurses indicated that pain measurement instruments were in use in
their units. "Happy-Sad-Face" -type instrument was the most common. Over 92% of the
nurses told they document pain medication to charts, only 50% told to document some comment about
pain and 35% would document the intensity. The assessment and documentation practices varied significantly
according to nurses' age and place of work. According to the charts, children received sufficient
pain medication during the first 24 hours after the operation via comfortable routes (per os or
intra-venously) but after that taking care of pain was less consistent.
Conclusions: Nurses assess pain mainly by observing the child's behavior and changes in
physiology. Pain measurement instruments are rarely in use and nurses are not aware of them. Child's
own opinion is not documented. The documentation of pain care is unsystematic and does not support
the continuity of care. There is a need for development of assessment and documentation practices
in the studied hospitals.
Suzanne Skevington. Marlene Carse-Jones*, Amanda C de C Williams, Dept. of Psychology, Univ.
of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY & INPUT Pain Management Unit, St Thomas' Hospital, London, UK.
Aim of Investigation: To examine whether quality of life changes significantly during
the treatment of chronic pain patients using a pain management program and if so, on which important
Methods: 89 patients (mean age 44 years, 66% female) selected for inpatient and outpatient
programs completed a new, comprehensive, quality of life profile - the WHOQOL-100 - as part of
an assessment battery one week before the course and immediately following program completion.
Results: Significant improvements to quality of life were shown as a result of the program.
Pain management improved patient's perceptions of their pain and discomfort, activities of daily
living, cognitive abilities, self-esteem, participation in leisure and recreation, dependence
on medication or treatments, positive and negative feelings, physical safety and security, the
availability and quality of care, sexual activities, sleep and rest and working capacity. However
quality of life did not improve on 11 of the 24 dimensions; most notably mobility and energy and
Conclusions: The improvement of quality of life is implicit to assumptions about the outcomes
of pain management programs, yet is uncommonly assessed. These results show that quality of life
as measured by the WHOQOL-100 is improved across a wide range of dimensions. Lack of change on
salient dimensions indicates ways in which this intervention might be improved. The results simultaneously
provide evidence that the WHOQOL-100 is both valid and sensitive to clinical change and hence
is an appropriate tool for monitoring treatment in chronic pain patients.
Stewart WF. Lipton RB, Liberman J', Sawyer J, 'The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore,
USA; innovative Medical Research, Maryland, USA; albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Montefiore
Headache Unit, New York, USA; ''Zeneca Pharmaceutical s, Macclesfield, UK.
Aim of Investigation: To develop and test an instrument to assess headache-related disability.
To be useful in clinical practice, such an instrument needs to be reliable, valid, simple to apply
and score and correlate to physicians' clinical judgement.
Methods: The MIDAS Questionnaire was developed to assess headache-related disability.
Headache sufferers answer five questions scoring the number of days of lost and limited activity
due to migraine in three domains, over a 3-month period. The test-retest reliability and validity
of the questionnaire were assessed in sepa-rate population-based studies ofmigraineurs. In addition,
the external validity, clinical utility and ease of use of the questionnaire were assessed in
a study with a group of 49 physicians who assessed 12 different migraine case histories.
Results: The MIDAS Questionnaire was shown to be highly reliable. The Spearman correlation
for the total MIDAS score was 0.78. The MIDAS score was found to be highly valid when compared
to a rigorous diary-based measure of disability; the overall correlation between the two measures
was 0.63. In the clinical utility study, the MIDAS score correlated with physicians' assessments
of medical need (r=0.69), and was directly related to the pain and disability experienced by each
Conclusions: From studies completed to date, the MIDAS Questionnaire has been shown to
be highly reliable, valid, easy to use and score, and correlates to physicians' clinical judgement,
features that support its suitability for use in clinical practice. Use of the MIDAS Questionnaire
may improve physician-patient communication about headache-related disability and favourably influence
healthcare delivery for migraine patients.
Acknowledgments: Supported by Zeneca Pharmaceuticals
Annette Sverker*', Gunnel Hensing*', Goran Leijon . 'Dept of Social Medicine, Faculty of Health Science, Pain and Rehabilitation Centre, Univ Hospital, S581 85 Sweden.
Aim of Investigation: Less than 50% ofneuropathic pain patients are considered to obtain
acceptable pain relief by somatic methods. In these treatment resistant patients it is essential
to provide alternative treatment programs, identify patients in need and when necessary carry
through qualified rehabilitation programs. The aim of this study was to explore the quality of
patient problems in relation to the pain.
Methods: The "Critical Incident Technique" was used in the study. 28 neuropathic
pain patients participated in a 4-6 week multimodal pain treatments program. 2 patients declined
participation. Patients described critical incidents, or problems, in their everyday life and
in relation to their pain. Semi-structured interviews on daily life, work situation, relations
to relatives, close friends and contacts with health care were performed.
Results: In the ongoing analysis, the experience ofneuropathic pain and the everyday life
problems it may cause are investigated. Which consequences do these problems cause and how are
they handled? How is the contact with the medical service experienced. Data from the 28 patients
and additional 12 patients presently under interview will be presented.
Conclusions: The "Critical Incidence technique" as far as we know, has not been
used in patient studies, we have found this technique useful. It captures, in a structured way,
the character of perceived problems and experiences associated with the pain. The method is also
sensitive to minor problems important to the individual person. Data from the study will increase
the possibility to better understand the patients and can thus be used in the rehabilitation process.
Hua H. Yong, Michael K. Nicholas' Univ of Melbourne, VIC 3052, "Univ of Sydney, NSW 2006,
Aim of Investigation: To examine the utility, reliability and validity of a set of common
psychometric measures used to assess chronic pain patients referred to a multidisciplinary pain
Methods: Following referral, but before seeing a physician, patients completed an initial
larger than normal battery of psychological tests covering such variables as mood, pain intensity,
disability & pain related cognitions. A subset of these measures was repeated a week later
for retest reliability.
Results: Based on a sample of 101 patients, measures deemed psy-chometrically sound and
clinically useful included the Beck Depression Inventory Cognitive-Affective subscale (BDI-CA)
as measure of mood status, the Multidimensional Pain Inventory Interference subscale (MPI-INT)
for functional disability, the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ) and Coping Strategies Questionnaire
Catastrophising subscale (CSQ-CAT) for pain related cognitions.
Conclusions: Adequate assessment and treatment of the multiple aspects of pain and distress
experienced by patients suffering chronic pain relies on accurate psychometric measurement. An
evaluation of common measures employed for such purposes in a multidisciplinary pain clinic revealed
that not all measures stood up to empirical scrutiny and for some, a subscale proved to be more
useful than the full scale. The BDI-CA, for example, was a much more reliable and valid measure
of mood status in the medically-ill population, consistent with other findings. The perceived
self-efficacy measure appears to be a clinically useful tool as it was the only cognitive measure
that related significantly and negatively with mood, disability and maladaptive coping strategy
9th WORLD CONGRESS ON PAIN, 1999, Vienna, Austria, p. 226 - 230